Recommended Hardware (C Vers)

RT Software has been building and testing PC hardware for broadcast for many years. The grids below allow you to select a cost effective but reliable PC build for your graphics requirements.

You can provide the hardware yourself this is often a cheaper option, but it must meet or exceed the specifications listed here. Alternatively, we can provide HP PCs to you.

Please refer to the notes to ensure you are selecting the most suitable system. If in any doubt please contact us and we can help.

Important notes


HD Graphics Editors

Swift CG / CG+

Video outPreview outVideo inVideo I/O (SDI)Generic PC SpecsOption 1 - HP Desktop PCOption 2 - HP Rack MountedOption 3 - LaptopGPU
000Offline only CGG1Z2Z4RL1RTX A4000
222Kona 4 or Corvid 44G2Z4Z4RL2 RTX A4000
224Kona 5 or Corvid 88G2Z4Z4RL3RTX A5000

HD Render Engine

Swift Engine

Video outPreviewVideo inVideo I/OGeneric PC SpecsOption 1 - HP Desktop PCOption 2 - HP Rack MountedOption 3 - LaptopGPU
222Kona 4 or Corvid 44G2Z4RRTX A4000
224Kona 5 or Corvid 88G2Z4RRTX A5000

HD Telestration

Tactic Lite – Sports (see below for Tactic Pro)

Tactic Draw– News

Tactic Live – Live AR

Video outPreview outVideo inVideo I/O (SDI)Generic PC SpecOption 1 - Desktop PCOption 2 - Rack MountedOption 3 - LaptopGPU
101Kona 1G1Z2Z4RL1RTX A2000
102 Corvid 44 or Kona 4G2Z4Z4RL2RTX A2000

HD Telestration - Tactic Pro

Tactic Pro (see above for Tactic Lite)

Supports record to disk. Important Note



Video outPreview outVideo inVideo I/O (SDI)Generic PC SpecOption 1 - Desktop PCOption 2 - Rack MountedOption 3 - LaptopGPU
101Kona1G1Z2Z4RRTX A4000
102Corvid 44 or Kona 4G2Z4Z4RRTX A4000

UHD Graphics Editors

Swift CG / CG+

Video OutPreview OutVideo InVideo I/O (SDI)Generic PC SpecsOption 1 - HP Desktop PCOption 2 - HP Rack MoutedOption 3 - LaptopGPU
000Offline CG onlyRTX A4000
111Kona 5 or Corvid 88RTX A5000 / A6000
112Kona 5 or 2x Corvid 88RTX A5000 / A6000

UHD Render Engine

Swift Engine


Video outPreview outVideo inVideo I/O (SDI)Generic PC specsOption 1 - HP Desktop PCOption 2 - Rack MountedOption 3 - LaptopGPU
111Kona 5 or Corvid 88G2Z4R - Dual RTX A5000 / A6000
112Kona 5 or 2x Corvid 88G2Z4R - Dual RTX A5000 / A6000

UHD Telestration

Tactic Pro 

Video outPreview OutVideo InVideo I/O (SDI)Generic PC SpecsOption 1 - Desktop PCOption 2 - Rack MountedOption 3 LaptopGPU
100Kona 5 or Corvid 88G2Z4R - SingleRTX A5000
101Kona 5 or Corvid 88G2Z4R - SingleRTX A5000
102Kona 5 or 2x Corvid 88G2Z4R - SingleRTX A5000

Management Applications

DataServer, MediaWatcher, Repository

Video Out (DataServer streams)Typical systems can run multiple applications on the same PCGeneric PC Spec
1 - 10

Redundancy and Resiliency

Core server system design supports single or dual redundant modes. Various architectures are possible, all come with a balance of cost vs performance.