Session 2: Swift CG+ The scenegraph and shader basics


There are no external assets required for this training session.


This video tutorial provides an overview of the Scenegraph and looks at Shader basics.

Session specific objectives

Gain familiarity with basic scenegraph nodes: camera and light; Shader basics ;Per pixel lighting – basic overview.

Chapter 1: Scenegraph camera and light nodes

  • Scenegraph nodes
  • A quick look at camera properties
  • Changing light types
  • Activating a light

Chapter 2: Scenegraph right click menu

  • Right click menu
  • Rename
  • All items overview

Chapter 3:  Shaders – basic overview

  • Create a new shader
  • Shader Materials
  • Shader States
  • Shader Texture Slots

Chapter 4: Material properties

  • Diffuse
  • Ambient
  • Specular
  • Emission
  • Shininess

Chapter 5: Per pixel lighting basics

  • What per pixel lighting involves
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages

Expected duration

1 hour

User Level

All new and L1 (Level 1) users