Recommended Hardware

RT Software has many years of experience building and testing PC hardware intended for broadcast use. The grids below allow you to select the most cost effective but reliable PC build to satisfy your graphics requirements.

In many cases customers will provide the hardware themselves as this is usually the cheaper route, but it must meet or exceed the specifications listed here. Alternatively, for peace of mind, we can provide HP PCs to you.

Please refer to the notes to ensure you are selecting the most suitable system. If in any doubt please contact us and we can help.

How to use this page.

1. Start by deciding if you are using HD or UHD resolutions. UHD will add additional cost, especially for the GPU and Video cards.

2. Find the product you will be using. RT Software’s Swift range is modular so in many of our products (for example Swift News, Swift Studio) the core components will use 1 or more Swift Engine renderers. If you are unsure which products your project will be using please talk to us.

3. Use the grid to find the numbers of outputs, previews and inputs you expect to use.

4. Select the PC Build and Video card from the relevant columns. Note there are 2 sets of these – 1 pair for SDI, 1 pair for uncompressed IP (ST 2110). The reason for the different PC types is due to the additional air cooling required for the ST2110 IP video card*. The specification for these build types is shown further down.

5. You will need to add the NVidia GPU card to the PC build as shown in the grid. If more than 1 GPU is listed, the choice will be determined by the complexity of the graphics. Please contact us if you are unsure what to choose.

5. Video cards – either AJA for SDI, or NVIDIA/Mellanox for ST2110*. If more than 1 AJA is shown, this is down to the quantity of I/Os available. In some cases you may be able to combine cards to reach the number of I/Os required, subject to the number of PCIe slots (and PCIe lanes) available.

Laptops – Please refer to the Laptop tab at the bottom.

* Please note that the NVIDIA/Mellanox ST2110 cards require forced-cooling and we only recommend their use in a server-class chassis. Both the HP ZCentral 4R** and the Dell 7920R have been validated, with different builds of the HP ZC4R listed further down this page.

** We have listed the ZC4R to be used for uncompressed IP (ST 2110). It would be equally suitable for SDI, but it does add a little extra cost. We have shown both options to allow customers to make the best decision for themselves.


PC Specifications for HD Resolutions

Swift CG / CG+

  • HD Graphics Editors

Swift Engine

  • HD Renderers
Ref:Video outPreview outVideo inGPUOption 1 (Desktop)PC BuildVideo I/O (SDI)Option 2 (Rack Mounted)PC BuildVideo I/O (ST2110)
H3101RTX A4000Z2Kona 1ZC4R - EntryNVIDIA Bluefield-2
H4111RTX A4000Z2Kona 1ZC4R - EntryNVIDIA Bluefield-2
H5102RTX A4000Z4Kona 4 or Corvid 44ZC4R-SingleNVIDIA Bluefield-2
H6112RTX A4000Z4Kona 4 or Corvid 44ZC4R-SingleNVIDIA Bluefield-2
H7200RTX A4000Z8-HDKona 4 or Corvid 44ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2
H8212 RTX A4000Z8-HDKona 4 or Corvid 44ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2
H9220RTX A4000 / A5000 Z8-HDKona 4 or Corvid 44ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2
H10202RTX A4000Z8-HDKona 4 or Corvid 44ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2
H11222 RTX A4000 / A5000Z8-HDKona 4 or Corvid 44ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2
H12204RTX A4000Z8-HDKona 5 or Corvid 88ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2
H13214RTX A4000 Z8-HDKona 5 or Corvid 88ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2
H14224RTX A4000 / A5000Z8-HDKona 5 or Corvid 88ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2

If you are considering Swift Screens for videowall applications, the number of outputs can be much higher than shown here and might be HDMI. Please talk to us so we can explain the options.



PC Specifications for HD Resolutions

Tactic Lite (see below for Tactic Pro)

  • HD Sports Telestration

Tactic Draw

  • HD News / General Telestrator

Tactic Live

  • HD live sports AR graphics
Ref:Video outPreview outVideo inGPUOption 1 (Desktop)PC BuildVideo I/O (SDI)Option 2 (Rack Mounted)PC Build......................
H16101RTX A2000Z2Kona 1ZC4R - Entry
H17102RTX A2000Z4 Corvid 44 or Kona 4ZC4R - Single

PC Specifications for HD Resolutions

Tactic Pro (see above for Tactic Lite)

  • HD Sports Telestration

Tactic Pro supports record to disk. For each channel of record an additional SSD should be included in the build. You could use various sizes, but example capacities for a 1TB disk using DNxHD is shown below:

    • 1080i50       – 13 hours
    • 1080i59.95  – 10.9 hours
    • 1080p50      – 6.5 hours
    • 1080p59.94 – 5.4 hours

* Using Record to Disk is CPU intensive and therefore we would recommend using a Z4 as the entry level spec, not Z2 as shown in the list.

Ref:Video outPreview outVideo inGPUOption 1 (Desktop)PC BuildVideo I/O (SDI)Option 2 (Rack Mounted)PC Build......................
H20101RTX A4000Z2Kona 1ZC4R - Entry
H21102RTX A4000Z4Corvid 44 or Kona 4ZC4R - Single

PC Specifications for UHD Resolutions

Swift CG / CG+

  • UHD Graphics Editors

Swift Engine

  • UHD Renderers
Ref:Video outPreview outVideo inGPUOption 1 (Desktop)PC BuildVideo I/O (SDI)Option 2 (Rack Mounted)PC Build (Rack Mounted)Video I/O (IP-ST2110)
U1100RTX A4000* / A5000 / A6000Z4Corvid 44ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2
U2110 RTX A5000 / A6000Z8-UHDCorvid 44ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2
U3101RTX A4000* / A5000 / A6000Z8-UHDKona 5 or Corvid 88ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2
U4111 RTX A5000 / A6000Z8-UHDKona 5 or Corvid 88ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2
U5102 RTX A5000 / A6000Z8-UHDKona 5 or 2x Corvid 88ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2
U6112 RTX A5000 / A6000Z8-UHDKona 5 or 2x Corvid 88ZC4R - DualNVIDIA Bluefield-2

*Offline CG Editor only. In order to keep costs low we have provided a range of card options in the GPU column. Please refer to the comments in the GPU section below for further guidance.

If you are considering Swift Screens for videowall applications, the number of outputs can be much higher than shown here and might be HDMI. Please talk to us so we can explain the options.

PC Specifications for UHD Resolutions

Tactic Pro 

  • UHD Sports Telestration
Ref:Video outPreview OutVideo InGPUOption 1 (Desktop)PC BuildVideo I/O (SDI)Option 2 (Rack Mounted)PC Build....................
U21100RTX A5000 / A6000Z4Kona 5 or Corvid 88ZC4R - Single
U22101RTX A5000 / A6000Z4Kona 5 or Corvid 88ZC4R - Single
U23102RTX A5000 / A6000Z4Kona 5 or 2x Corvid 88ZC4R - Single

Additional Notes for Graphics PCs/Servers

  • Where a single video o/p is shown it can be exchanged for a dual Fill and Key at no processing cost – but the video card must be checked to see if it can provide the additional output.
  • Where two o/ps are shown it can be exchanged for dual Fill and Key at no processing cost and will not affect the suggested I/O video card.
  • Where two or more live inputs are listed, these are assumed to be split equally across the Render Instances. Contact RTSW if a different arrangement is required.
  • Limitations on Render Instances are due to Windows OS bottlenecks. RT Software can provide a higher density than 2 instances on a single machine using virtualisation. Please contact us for more information.
  • Where Unreal Engine is being used, additional processing means that the PC build must be Z8-Build B / ZC 4R Build E in all cases.
  • Where Swift Screens is being deployed, each grid of 4 screens requires an additional GPU card, so check your selected PC can support additional cards. Please speak to us if in doubt.
  • The Reference column above is only there to provide an easy way to refer to specific builds if you need to speak to us.

PC Specifications for Management Applications

Swift Services –

DataServer, MediaWatcher, Repository

SpecTypical systems can run multiple applications on the same PC*
CPU2 core or higher, running at 3GHz or higher.
Disk512 GB or higher
RAM8GB or higher

These management applications will not require the same level of resources as graphics rendering machines. Typical specs above could support all 3 applications on the same hardware simultaneously. For larger workloads, long term storage of assets might require a larger 1TB disk, which will not add much cost.

*System designs that require Data Server to serve large quantities of rendered graphics streams to Swift Live or NRCS clients may require more hardware. We will advise on a project by project basis on the specs required for this.


Core server system design supports single or dual redundant modes. Various architectures are possible, all come with a balance of cost vs performance.